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At Horizons Academy Bexley pupils are shown how to cook healthy, nutritious meals in a fun environment.

They are taught that food doesn’t have to be boring to be healthy.

Each term follows a different theme, for example healthy lunches or picnic food, whilst always considering nutritional value and cost of food.

At the same time, pupils are taught a range of preparation techniques such as the correct use of electrical items, hygienic food preparation and various cooking methods.


Lessons are taught with the idea of highlighting British Values and Global Learning with dishes such as healthy stir-fry for Chinese New Year, pancakes for Shrove Tuesday and Jewish chicken noodle soup for Holocaust Memorial Day.

All pupils will work towards gaining a Level 1 and Level 2 BTEC in Home cooking skills. 

Over the course of both qualifications’ pupils will:

  • Learn basic cooking skills following the British Nutritional Foundation guidelines
  • Develop an understanding of where food comes from.

Level 1 includes a practical main meal assessment.

Level 2 includes planning, preparing and serving a two-course meal assessment.

Pupils record their work in folders and build up a portfolio of evidence over the duration of the qualification.


Pupils are taught life and social skills to help them become rounded individuals.

The BTEC L1/L2 Home cooking skills can lead to progression either at college or onto an apprenticeship.


Please click here for the BTEC Home cooking skills curriculum map.