Uniform and make-up
Horizons Academy Bexley has clear uniform expectations which must be adhered to on a daily basis:
- Black shoes/trainers
- Black trousers (no jeans, tracksuit bottoms, combats or clothing made from alternative materials) to be worn on the waist at all times and only 1 pair at a time is permitted.
No shorts or tracksuit trousers are permitted to be worn underneath school trousers
Primary pupils can wear grey school trousers or grey or black front pleat school shorts in the summer term.
Black knee length skirts
White or black plain knee length socks or black/white tights
White Shirt/polo for Secondary or long-term pupils (if a pupil wishes to wear a t-shirt under their shirt, this must be plain white only)
Plain white polo shirts for Primary or Home school uniforms.
Black jumper for Secondary pupils (No hoodies, No named brand logos, cardigans etc.)
All other clothing and accessories will be handed in when the pupil enters the school site e.g. caps, hats, gloves, scarves, jackets, hoodies etc.
Pupils are allowed to change into school shoes upon arrival
Purple school fleece or jumper with Horizons logo to be worn outside at breaks/lunches. If provided by the school then this must be returned at the end of each school day. If a pupil loses or damages a fleece belonging to the school, a replacement cost will be incurred.
We further expect the following:
- Make-up should be worn sparingly and should not prove as a distraction to other pupils. Make up should not be applied or used during lesson time unless related to an option (e.g. hair and beauty).
- No coloured nail varnish is not permitted
- All nails to be kept at no more than fingertip length, natural make up only
- No false eyelashes unless there is an evidential medical reason to do so as pre-agreed by the Head of Key Stage.
- All fizzy/energy drink will be handed in
Pupils will not be allowed to access their school bags during the school unless in the case of an emergency. This means pupils will not have access to items handed in the morning for example; energy drinks or make up.
If pupils arrive at school out either fully or partially out of uniform, they will be expected to rectify their uniform before being allowed into lessons. Parents/carers of pupils will be contacted upon arrival at school to request delivery of correct uniform or to facilitate the removal of disallowed items (e.g. false nails, eyelashes etc). Pupils will be offered spare uniform items, if available.
Pupils will remain in the Intervention or Reflective Learning Space until delivered, items are removed or until correct uniform is supplied to prevent missed learning wherever practically possible. If a pupil refuses to comply with the uniform expectations, parents/carers will be contacted to allow them to make next steps decisions.
Parents/carers should discuss any barriers to supplying the full uniform with the Head of Key Stage or home school if uniform.
All Refocus pupils should wear their home school uniform as it is supposed to be worn. If they do not have a home school due to PEX, they will be expected to follow Horizons uniform depending on Primary or Secondary. All additional clothing and accessories must be handed in at the beginning of the school day.
All pupils partaking in PE must have alternative and appropriate clothing for these sessions which is as follows:
Refocus pupils:
- Home/previous school PE kit
- Black shorts, plain white polo/t-shirt
- Trainers
Long-term KS4 - BTEC PE option
- Black shorts
- Plain white t-shirt/polo
- Trainers
We expect all pupils to follow our Health and Safety guidance in relation to wearing jewellery in school. Pupils can choose to hand any items of jewellery not permitted at the start of the school day but they do so at their own risk and Horizons Academy does not accept any liability for items that are lost or damage incurred through their choice to wear to school.
Jewellery permitted is as follows:
- No hoop earrings, small studs only. 1 pair only.
- No other body piercings are allowed, e.g. nose, tongue, eyebrow piercing, lip, belly
- No large belt buckles.
- No rings
- No bracelets
- 1 watch. I-Watch is not permitted
- No jewellery can be worn that may be used as a weapon.
- No jewellery that is inappropriate (e.g. cannabis leaves, profanities or offensive)
- Items of religious jewellery can only be worn discreetly under uniform or displayed as part of an agreed act of worship at the school.
- Any other jewellery is expected to be removed and returned at the end of the day if it presents as a distraction to pupils or is contrary to this list.
If pupils choose to arrive at school and not follow the jewellery expectation, they will be asked to remove them before they are permitted to enter. Parents/carers of pupils will be contacted upon arrival to school to request support or to facilitate the removal of disallowed jewellery. Pupils will remain in the Intervention or Reflective Learning Space until items are removed to prevent missed learning wherever practically possible. If a pupil refuses to comply with the jewellery expectations, parents/carers will be contacted to allow them to make next steps decisions.
For more details regarding the uniform expectations at Horizons Academy Bexley, please click here.